Main Content

Aims of the SFU

  • Political conditions which ensure:
    • Productive, multifunctional agriculture
    • Fair producer prices
    • An income for farmers comparable with that of other sectors of the economy
    • Long-term planning security
    • Maintain the typical family-run farm
  • Balanced and transparent market for agricultural products
  • Good education for young farmers
  • Positive public image of Swiss farmers

Tasks of the SFU

  • Political representation and optimisation of the framework conditions for agriculture
  • Dealing with market and price issues affecting the sector as a whole
  • Public relations
  • Marketing (promotion and advertising)
  • Development and organisation of farming Education
  • Services for farming families
  • Maintaining contacts with market partners

Media Contact Persons

Sandra Helfenstein
Co-head of Communication, Media & Public Relations Unit
Phone: 056 462 51 11
Mobile: 079 826 89 75

Mirjam Hofstetter
Co-head of Communication, Marketing Unit
Phone: 056 462 51 11